I’m so blessed to have the smartest community of ladies here at AWSL. You often come to my rescue with information, wisdom, and solutions that work for you. Today, I want to share a simple tip that a reader shared with me.
How to Keep Your Brooch On

I’ve lost several brooches over the years that mysteriously went missing, likely by simply falling off. Last week, Lauren shared a brilliant little tip to prevent that. You put the pin of the brooch through the fabric and out again, leaving a small space, just large enough to put a silicone earring stopper on the pin, then slip the pin into the latch. If the latch fails, your brooch doesn’t fall off. Thank you, Lauren, this is brilliant! I ordered a large box of them here for $3.99.
Now I need another tip. I bought this vintage Chanel brooch second-hand, and the tiny faux pearls keep falling out. I guess the old glue has just dried up. I’ve found several on the floor and put them back with super glue, but they continue to fall out. Any tips on how to keep them from doing that? Is covering it with a layer of clear nail polish dumb? I’d love to hear your ideas.

I had no idea how valuable a pair of white flats would be in my wardrobe. I was hesitant to order these woven flats in white because I thought the vibe might seem too vintage Palm Beach…but I love them and have to make myself not choose them every morning. Much like a black shoe, these go with everything I’m wearing these days so they were a smart buy…plus they’re very comfortable. You can save 10% off with the code AWSL10 at checkout.
It turns out there are lots of white flats around this spring, and many in a woven texture. Here are a few I found:
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